Carnegie Mellon University

The university's escort shuttle service operates in the evening/overnight and provides free transportation from campus to intersections close to your residence for faculty, staff and students that live in the Oakland, Shadyside and Squirrel Hill neighborhoods. Escort buses operate from 6:30 p.m. to 4:15 a.m., cycling every 45 minutes. (View escort schedule.) You must show your CMU ID to board.

Evening riders should use the university’s main shuttle service while it is in operation before considering using the escort shuttle service to avoid overcrowding and untimely delays on escort buses.

To use the escort shuttle service, determine which escort zone you reside in, based on the descriptions below, and use the schedule to find out when the escort buses are servicing your zone. Then wait at one of the pickup locations at the appointed time for the appropriate escort bus and tell the driver the intersection for your stop as you board the bus.

Green Zone: Bus services Oakland, west from Morewood, only

Blue Zone: Bus services Shadyside and Friendship, east from Morewood, only

Red Zone: Bus services Squirrel Hill, north from Woodmont and east from Murray Avenue, only (Only the yellow bus travels on Murray from Forward, north)

Yellow Zone: Bus services Squirrel Hill, west of Murray Avenue to Schenley Park, only

Green/Blue Zones Combined: Bus services both the Shadyside and Oakland areas

Yellow/Red Zones Combined: Bus services both Squirrel Hill areas

Zone Map (click to view)

map of escort zone boundaries and stops

Escort Schedule

Monday - Friday

The shuttle departs its starting point, and proceeds through its pickup locations, at the following times:

6:30 PM Red/Yellow Combined, Blue Zone, Green Zone
7:15 PM Red/Yellow Combined, Blue Zone, Green Zone
8:00 PM Blue Zone, Green Zone, Yellow Zone, Red Zone
8:45 PM Red/Yellow Combined, Blue Zone, Green Zone
9:30 PM Blue/Green Combined, Yellow Zone, Red Zone
10:15 PM Blue Zone, Green Zone, Yellow Zone, Red Zone
11:00 PM Blue Zone, Green Zone, Red Zone, Yellow Zone
11:45 PM Blue Zone, Green Zone, Yellow Zone, Red Zone
12:30 AM Blue Zone, Green Zone, Yellow Zone, Red Zone
1:15 AM Blue Zone, Green Zone, Yellow Zone, Red Zone
2:00 AM Blue Zone, Green Zone, Yellow Zone, Red Zone
2:45 AM Blue/Green Combined, Yellow Zone, Red Zone
Last Run
3:30 AM Blue/Green Combined, Yellow Zone, Red Zone

Saturday & Sunday

The shuttle departs its starting point, and proceeds through its pickup locations, at the following times:

6:30 PM Red/Yellow Combined, Blue Zone, Green Zone
7:15 PM Red/Yellow Combined, Blue Zone, Green Zone
8:00 PM Red/Yellow Combined, Blue Zone, Green Zone
8:45 PM Blue/Green Combined, Red/Yellow Combined
9:30 PM Blue/Green Combined, Red/Yellow Combined
10:15 PM Blue/Green Combined, Red/Yellow Combined
11:00 PM Red/Yellow Combined, Blue Zone, Green Zone
11:45 PM Red/Yellow Combined, Blue Zone, Green Zone
12:30 AM Red/Yellow Combined, Blue Zone, Green Zone
1:15 AM Red/Yellow Combined, Blue Zone, Green Zone
2:00 AM Red/Yellow Combined, Blue Zone, Green Zone
2:45 AM Red/Yellow Combined, Blue Zone, Green Zone
Last Run
3:30 PM Red/Yellow Combined, Blue Zone, Green Zone

General rider reminders:

  • For health safety, do not ride if you have potentially been exposed to COVID-19, or if you are experiencing any symptoms. Try to avoid unnecessary interaction with passengers and drivers.
  • Consider taking an earlier/later bus to avoid overcrowding during peak times.
  • Evening riders should use the main shuttle service while it is in operation before considering using the escort shuttle service to avoid overcrowding and untimely delays on escort buses.
  • When waiting at a bus stop, alert the driver to your presence as the bus approaches using a hand wave or "hail" gesture to ensure that they see you and understand your desire to board.
  • Show your CMU ID when boarding a shuttle/escort bus. Using someone else’s CMU ID is not permitted.
  • No smoking/vaping, eating, cups without lids, and talking on cell phones is permitted while on the shuttle and escort buses.
  • Be familiar with the shuttle and escort policies [pdf] before using the service.